Pros and results of real estate investment in Turkey
The value of your property will vary depending on the size of your investment. The clients of Aram Turk Real Estate may be property owners, but some may also be renters. Some have obtained Turkish citizenship by buying a property in Turkey, but what are the advantages of real estate investment in Turkey?
You will read in this article
The most important benefits that result from owning real estate in Turkey
Tourism in Turkey and real estate investment
Real estate investment in Turkey compared to other countries
– Tips for investors
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Benefits of real estate investment and owning real estate in Turkey
Turkish citizenship by real estate investment
At the outset, we must know that real estate in Turkey is considered a way to obtain Turkish citizenship. Many of those who want to obtain it choose this method, because they have achieved two goals: owning real estate and Turkish citizenship.
This method is the best way to obtain Turkish citizenship, but you must know that the property cannot be sold before 3 years
It is important to note that Turkish citizenship has many advantages, and that is why many people, especially Arabs, seek it.
Permanent residence
If the property does not meet the requirements for obtaining Turkish citizenship, an application is submitted for a residence permit that allows its holder to live in Turkey legally. It is also an added advantage for real estate investment in Turkey
Also, real estate residency is the best kind of residency ever. It is easy to obtain and can be renewed.
Real estate investment in Turkey and the tourism sector
Real estate in Turkey is used to achieve more than one goal and purpose. Some like it because it provides a place to live and provides stability, it is a wonderful opportunity for a life full of luxury and comfort.
Turkey is a developed country with an economy that is still growing. It has all the ingredients to become a thriving place. An investor can have the peace of mind and security he desires.
Turkey has a thriving infrastructure that keeps pace with modernity, and the Turkish government is always working to launch distinct development projects that contribute to the prosperity of all sectors.
Among the most prominent of these projects are:
Istanbul International Airport, which opened last year and is one of the largest airports in the world and had a great positive impact on real estate investment in Turkey
In the current year, it was also announced the start of work on the new Istanbul Water Canal. This project will lead to a major boom in the real estate markets, especially around the canal.
Real estate investment is backed by the Turkish government
The Turkish government stands side by side with foreigners who want to own real estate on its territory. One of the most prominent contributions made to these foreigners is tax exemptions. These concerns may be a concern for those taking this step.
It also reduced the procedures required to complete the acquisition process, so that it can be done within a few days.
With the high demand for Turkish real estate, many real estate companies have been allowed to establish in Turkey. The importance lies in the fact that it shortens the distance between the property and its owner, avoiding falling into real estate fraud, as well as carrying out many legal procedures on his behalf.
Real estate investment in Turkey compared to other countries
Turkey is a distinguished cultural center that gives its citizens a lot of knowledge and cultures based on the time periods in which they lived. Turkey offers a view of culture, arts and civilization during the different centuries.
Thanks to Turkey, nature has many natural attractions that attract the attention of a variety of tourists from all over the world. It is one of the first countries that attracted a large number of tourists to make it a distinguished investment destination.
Turkey has become a popular destination for medical tourism, as its hospitals have many advanced technologies and many important doctors.
One of the most important things it provided in this regard was (Başakşehir Medical City), which opened last year and was considered a serious competition for European countries.
9- It is also distinguished in its educational sector. Anyone who buys Turkish property can get great educational interest and get globally recognized certificates.
Turkey is geographically well located, which makes getting around to and from it easy.
These companies are present both in Turkey and outside Turkey.
Turkey is a diverse place that makes it enjoyable to visit. The most remarkable feature of Turkey is its geography, which makes it possible to find the right home for sale by selecting the type of property you are looking for.
The residential complexes are considered the most distinguished, because they are considered safe and well protected, and their construction specifications are impressive and impressive, and they enjoy stunning views that are often overlooked in the vast green spaces. Apartments in these locations are known to be very expensive.
Independent apartments are those that are scattered in most neighborhoods, regions and cities of Turkey. Each apartment has its own advantages, and the prices are suitable for everyone.
There are duplexes, triplexes and penthouses.
In Turkey, there are villas decorated with luxurious specifications, spacious areas, and stunning views.
The segment that owns the most real estate in Turkey
Who is the segment that owns the most real estate in Turkey?
The Arabs are among the most preferred peoples to Turkey in the field of real estate, and this is primarily due to its proximity to them as a neighbor and because it has an Islamic character that resembles Arab customs and systems, and the Turkish people are quickly merging with them. Neighbour.
Turkey differs from all other countries around the world in that it has a very large number of real estate agents.
Some of you may ask about this, is Turkish real estate better than the real estate of European countries? For example, are houses in Turkey more expensive than those in Switzerland or France?
The fact that many people choose Turkey to own real estate does not mean that the other is not good. The fact that many people choose one turkey does not mean that it is better than the other.
The buildings have many similarities, such as luxury, sophistication and modernity, continue the pace of architectural development, and comply with international building quality standards.
The best real estate in Istanbul at special prices can be found in Beylikduzu or Silivri.
Advice for those wishing to invest in real estate in Turkey
Care must be taken to obtain all required papers and documents, most notably the title deed and the property valuation document. These documents protect the buyer from becoming a victim of fraud.
2- Before signing the contract, it must be determined whether foreigners are allowed to own real estate in this area. That is, it is not military property or security property. It must also be determined whether a permit has been issued to foreigners for ownership of the building and, if not, it must be sought.
It is important to determine the purpose of buying the property early, so you will avoid searching for random and useless images. The criteria vary depending on the goal you are looking for.
- It is important to specify the specifications that you want to have for the property, such as the view / area / number of rooms / decorations / the floor on which it is located.
The financial budget is one of the most important things to determine. Should you be able to search for a property in the main cities of Turkey or does it force you to go to nearby towns and villages? Or should the location be determined by your income and not your needs?
When buying one or more properties in order to obtain Turkish citizenship, do not make your goal focus only on citizenship
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