The importance of industry in Turkey
Industry in Turkey is growing regularly thanks to its favorable geographical location, the presence of a young workforce, and the provision of appropriate conditions for all investors, and it now has a strong and stable economy despite being a modern industrial country.
Turkey now competes in many areas of the global market and is helped by the abundance of natural resources, its proximity to export markets, and the presence of a strong local market that gives it competitive power. .
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The most famous industries in Turkey :
Food industry :
Turkey is famous for manufacturing high-quality foodstuffs that comply with international standards. The government provides many facilities for the export and import of food products in Turkey, and this helped it to reserve a large share in the food market. The most famous food products produced by Turkey are cheese, milk, juices, canned goods, spices, sweets and dried fruits.
Garment industry in Turkey :
The clothing industry is one of the most famous Turkish industries and is spread in many countries of the world, famous for the quality of its manufacture and keeping pace with the latest fashions, and its prices are very suitable compared to other countries, and this helped the desire of merchants to import Turkish ready-made clothes in addition to the facilities provided by the Turkish government.
Auto industry :
Turkish cars are characterized by high quality, good design, and compliance with international quality and safety standards, and this is what helped them to enter the world of car manufacturing with great force during a quick period, and the car industry provides job opportunities for many young people inside Turkey, and Turkish car exports are equivalent to 16% of the country’s total exports.
Steel and iron industry :
Turkey is one of the countries exporting steel and iron, and this sector is witnessing significant growth in recent times, and Turkey ranks 8th in the world for the export of steel and iron, and one of the most famous iron factories in Turkey is the modern steel factory in the state of Karabuk, and annually produces about 400 thousand tons of iron and steel, and exports 70% of its production goes to more than 20 foreign countries.
The industrial sector in Turkey is one of the most important sectors that receives great attention inside Turkey. There is a large group of manufacturers, producers and traders who own a large share of the country’s GDP. With the facilitation of the import and export process in Turkey, economic growth has increased significantly.